Advance Central PA provides employment and training services resources for youth and young adults, ages 16-24, who are both in and out-of-school. Our focus is on career and educational development, work readiness training, and work experience placements. Our services and programs help to connect youth and young adults who are in search of identifying a career pathway to academic and/or employment opportunities.
Yes to the Future
Are you 16-24 years old?
Let YES help you…
FIND a job to earn money.
KEEP a job that makes you happy.
EARN money while you train in a job.
RECEIVE supportive services while reaching your goals with the help of a career counselor.
You are on your way to finding your future – one that will include a job that rewards you financially in an area you are passionate about.
For more information on the Yes to the Future program, and to register, visit the Central PA CareerLink® website.
Bridges to the Future
Advance Central PA’s Bridges to the Future program allows youth from their Sophomore year through High School graduation to prepare for life after high school.
In this program, you will be guided through a series of activities and experiences to help you:
- Learn about yourself, your interests, and your skills
- Explore careers and learn about occupational clusters
- Gain volunteer and work experience
- Make connections between the classroom and careers
- Create a portfolio linked to your post-high school goal: post-secondary education or training, employment, or military
- Develop skills to obtain a job, keep a job, and compete in today’s economy
For more information on the Bridges to the Future program, visit the Central PA CareerLink® website.
Path to Careers
Advance Central PA’s Path to Careers program makes it easier to discover who you want to be. If you’re not sure what your future holds, Path to Careers will help you connect to experiences that will help you figure out what you want to do (or don’t want to do!). If you have an idea of your future, these experiences can help you confirm you’re on the right track.
For more information on the Path to Careers program, visit the website.
LIFT Central
What do your favorite athlete, musician, video game streamer, or movie star have in common with successful people in our own community? They’ve likely had a mentor!
So what does a mentor do? How did having a mentor help those people become who they are?
Mentors are typically individuals with more life experience who want to want to help younger people (mentee) decide on and accomplish their goals. Through mentorship, young people gain a person in their life who is there to be supportive, offer advice, and help them overcome challenges.
For example, when famous NBA basketball player Chris Paul took a rookie player named Steph Curry under his wing and helped teach Steph the ropes of how to handle himself professionally in the league and gave him advice on how to better his game, Chris was a mentor to Steph.
Chloe X Halle were young musicians who uploaded a cover of a Beyoncé song who soon found themselves being mentored by Beyoncé herself. Through this mentoring relationship, they were able to get advice about navigating the music industry and being in the public eye, as well as professional and networking opportunities.
A mentor doesn’t need to be famous, and a mentee doesn’t need to want to be a rock star. Mentorship provides benefits to everyone who participates, regardless of their backgrounds, grades, where they live, or what their personal and careers goals are.
As a mentee, you’ll will be carefully matched with a mentor who commits to a 1-year structured relationship. You’ll spend at least two days per month together, totaling 4 hours in person or virtually. You’ll have someone outside of the support you may have in your household- someone who will listen and talk with you, and help you develop solutions to any challenges you’re facing.
Having a mentor is associated with improvements in the following areas which are all important on the job, and in life!

School attendance
Improved confidence and self-esteem
Improved communication skills
Ability to handle conflict and/or challenges
Relationship building skills
Special note to parents and guardians
As parents and guardians, we all have one common thread holding us together, and it’s significant! We love our children and want what’s best for them. LIFT is a program designed to connect our children, ages 16- 24 to another adult in the community who will help them understand who they are, who they want to be, and how to get there. Our LIFT mentors go through extensive background checks, clearances, and interview processes with our local staff. We seek mentors who will give our children time and guidance, share their own career paths, help set goals, and develop skills to overcome challenges.
We strongly encourage you to join the first meeting between your child and their mentor because your support will help your child be successful in this experience and help you understand and feel confident about their participation.
The Central PA CareerLink® is currently recruiting students and young adults in our Bridges to the Future and YES to the Future programs. Participants are eligible to have a LIFT mentor!
Contact the Central PA CareerLink® team to learn more, or to ask questions about LIFT, please email: